Wednesday, July 18, 2012

4 Generation Pedigree Chart

4 Generation Pedigree Chart - Me, my parents, my grandparents, and my great-grandparents.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Family Pictures

Just the girls!
Just the boys!

My family! I have 4 younger brothers, my parents, and me!
Just the kiddies!

Elder Harrison! My younger brother is serving in a mission in Honduras right now. He has less than a year left and comes home in May 2013.
Elder Harrison's first baptism on the mission! He was so excited and loved this family so much!

This is me! This is my official mission picture that was taken and sent with my mission papers to Salt Lake.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life Goals/Future Plans

  1. Save enough money for mission, clothes, etc. Basically, save enough money to survive on a mission.
  2. Go on a mission to Brazil for 18 months, serve the Lord diligently, and work hard!
  3. Finish school. Get a bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Administration.
  4. Apply to grad school. My best options right now are Washington or Michigan.
  5. Find a job pertaining to Healthcare Administration.
  6. Learn to love to cook. Take classes, experiment, try new things.
  7. Amidst all these goals mentioned above, date and find someone to love and marry.
  8. Get married in the temple!
  9. Live a happy life that is centered on Christ.
  10. Have children. Raise them to live in the gospel and to love the Lord.