Friday, April 20, 2012

View of Life/Goals

Life is to be enjoyed. We were sent on this earth to be tested and tried while living among adversity. Though this makes life difficult at times with heart ache and sorrow, happiness can still be attained. Living life to the fullest, to me, means living optimistically, especially through the hard times. Having a negative attitude will only make life hard and miserable.

 In addition to enjoying life through optimism and a good attitude, life is to be enjoyed with the ones you love. I could never imagine living through this life alone without loving family and friends. These are they who make life enjoyable. I know I am happiest when I am with the ones I love. I can turn to them in the good times and in the bad times. 

It is so important to maintain family relationships while on this earth because they are eternal. Families are forever. I am so grateful for the family that I have. I love them so much! I know the plan of salvation exists and I am so grateful for it; knowing that I can spend eternity with my family. 

My goals in life are simple. I feel that most of what I do in life prepares me in some why in raising my future family. I aspire to be a loving mother and wife, raising my children to know right from wrong and living in the ways of the Lord. The things I am doing now in my life, such as preparing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and finishing my education are providing me with experiences and knowledge that will help form and mold me into the person I want to become.